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Consulting success approach

I had the privilege to be invited to TU Delft to discuss implementation of HFC to aviation.

Dean Henri Werij of the Faculty of Aerospace Engineering, "Each organization has a lot to offer the other!"; Prof. Aravind of Groningen University, "Electrochemistry can be applied to solve various technological problems".

A tenable solution would be the use of hydrogen as fuel, as already pointed out at the end of the 1970s by Bockris and Justi (1980). Due to its higher gravimetric energy density by factor of three (33.3 kWh/kg), using hydrogen can reduce the overall weight of the aircraft. This effect is pronounced in fuel-intensive aircraft like long-distance, large passenger number, or hypersonic aircraft (Brewer and Morris, 1976; Bockris and Justi, 1980; Khandelwal et al., 2013; Verstraete, 2013; Kadyk et al., 2018). However, the volumetric energy density of hydrogen is four times lower than hydrocarbons, giving some grievance for fitting the tanks into the aircraft. Nevertheless, aerodynamically volume efficient aircraft designs, such as the blended-wing-body or twin-tail-boom can compensate this effect (Guynn et al., 2004)......

We’re not doing it alone, because we also work regularly with companies. They know that they have to change the way they operate by 2050, and so they’re working with us on new opportunities in the area of electrochemistry.

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